Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Intermedia Video: Final

This is my final piece. It's similar to the other video but I fixed it up a little.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Intermedia Videos

Part of my project for the intermedia rotation about studios.
The world is always spinning.
The world is always spinning part two.
The world is always spinning part three.

Thursday, 18 October 2012


Another painting, unfinished however, but I think I just going to leave it like this so you might say that it is finished.

These next ones are small paintingS I did before doing the bigger paintings. I really like this kind of stuff but I like so many different things.


Monday, 15 October 2012

The Beginning

Since this is my very first art post I think I will dedicate it to my very first painting completed in Art School. This was done within my painting rotation named 'the streets'. I wondered the streets of Edinburgh not wanting to panic myself into finding something because I knew that after a while I would eventually find something and sure enough I wondered my way into a graveyard. It was enchantingly quiet and beautiful and I couldn't resist it. I have an obsession with all things creepy and strange and this was perfect for me. So here is my painting inspired by the streets of Edinburgh:-